Thursday, October 29, 2020

October 26th - 30th

 This week was super busy was lots of Halloween fun!  The boys and girls created Halloween sentences using the Montessori movable alphabet!  We created a list of Halloween words and the students picked a word or two and used it in their sentences.

Mrs. Mossor turned her gym classes into a wonderful Halloween celebration!  A huge thank you to Mrs. Mossor for all the fun!  We had a fantastic week of gym!

Mrs. Barrera invited the Early Childhood classes to join her Pre-K class for an awesome science experiment.  Prior to the experiment, the Pre-K class carved out a pumpkin and turned it into a jack-o-lantern!  Next we gathered together in the cafeteria and watched Mrs. Barrera use a variety of materials to make "Elephant Toothpaste!"  By using hydrogen peroxide, food coloring, yeast, warm water, and dish soap, we were able to watch the inside of the pumpkin "explode" with a colorful foam!  It was really cool!  Thank you Pre-K and Mrs. Barrera for including us in your fun experiment!

Mr. Hartsock used the remainder of the materials and added them into a bowl so we could see the foam inside the container.  We got to feel how warm the container was with the materials inside. We did not touch the foam!!!

The boys and girls had a blast and the costumes looked great!  Pictures will be in next week's blog!


Monday, November 2nd, winter uniform begins

Gym Days next week:  Monday, Thursday, Friday

Since the weather is getting colder, please send in appropriate clothing for your child's extra clothing bag.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

October 18th - 23rd


The boys and girls are getting ready for Halloween!  We created scary jack-o-lanterns and decorated our hallway with scarecrows and witches!

This week we were busy getting into the Halloween spirit by making crafts to place out in our hallway!

This week we worked on the letter N.  We work on creating the letter correctly in handwriting and think about the sound the letter makes.  The boys and girls do fantastic work in their phonics books!  We are working on number writing as well.  This week we worked on the number 5!  Our words of the week were: come, my.  


Friday, October 30th - Halloween Mission Party
Dismissal at noon.  No HCA Plus.
(more information to follow)

Monday, November 2nd - Winter uniform begins

Have a great weekend!
Sharon DeBardino

March 3rd - 7th

 Last week we read the story, What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada. The story talks about how we can take an idea and turn it into r...