I'm very excited to have a class full of fun, energized, and super students! Here is a peek at some of the activities we have been working on during the first full week of school. The students have been learning rules, routines, and getting to know each other.
Recess time on the playground and using the brand new Nature Space!
Rest towels will be sent home every Friday for cleaning.
As the weather gets chilly, please send your child with a jacket or sweater everyday. We go outside for morning and afternoon recess time.
Empty folders each night.
Homework will be sent home on Thursday. Please have your child complete the work and place it in the folder for Friday.
Please pack 2 napkins for your child.
Please send in the necessary utensils your child may need. Ex. fork or spoon. This applies for HCA Plus snack as well.
Please send in a filled water bottle everyday. We will refill as necessary.
Try your best to send items your child can open.
Thank you for your constant assistance and support! I am looking forward to a fantastic Kindergarten school year! Any questions, email me at sdebardino@holychildacademy.com.
Have a great weekend,
Sharon DeBardino