Friday, June 4, 2021

June 1st - 4th


This year has been filled with wonderful and exciting experiences for your children.  Though we have faced some challenging times this year, we stayed focused and did our absolute best each day we were here.  We have worked hard and have learned a great deal.  I'm very proud of my kindergarten class and look forward to seeing them as successful First Graders!  I want to thank each parent for choosing HCA to be a part of your child's early childhood experience.  I am truly blessed to be a part of your child's journey!

Using the Montessori Moveable Alphabet the students shared what they liked in kindergarten this year!


Please make sure your children are in comfortable play clothes and sneakers on Monday and Tuesday. We will be outside most of the morning for field day and fun day! Please put sunscreen on your child before he/she comes to school.

Monday and Tuesday, the students can wear free dress.
Wednesday, please have your child wear their gym uniform.

We will be sending home student materials, mats, and rest towels next week. Please make sure to empty your child’s backpack every night.

The last day of school is Wednesday, June 9th.  This will be a noon dismissal for all students. There will be NO HCA PLUS.

Check out Mrs. Clay's kindergarten music blog:

Summer Work
Each kindergarten student will receive a summer work packet.  The packet contains vocabulary words from our readers and words of the week.  The students can review the words, practice spelling, and using them in sentences.  The packet also contains math activities, helpful websites, and instructions on reading throughout the summer and completing five reader review worksheets.  Summer work can be handed back in September.

Thank you for your continued support throughout this year!  Have a wonderful summer! 
Sharon DeBardino

March 3rd - 7th

 Last week we read the story, What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada. The story talks about how we can take an idea and turn it into r...