Thursday, May 26, 2022

May 23rd - 26th


Everybody's family is special!

Thank you so much for spending the morning with us at the Early Childhood Celebration!

The students had a wonderful time and did a fantastic job with the presentation!

Here is the link to the slideshow from yesterday:


Gym Days next week:  Tuesday and Friday

There is no school on Friday, May 27, and Monday, May 30, for Memorial Day weekend.

The last day of school is on Wednesday, June 8 and dismissal will be at 12:00 noon. There will be no HCA Plus.

Continue the HCA fun this summer at HCA Summer Camp. Click here for more information. Register here - spots are filling fast!

Have a great weekend!
Sharon DeBardino

Friday, May 20, 2022

May 16th - 20th

This week we let our butterflies go!  Along with the other Early Childhood classes, we said a nice little prayer and released all of the butterflies out into the world!  Some were not as eager to leave and stuck around for a bit! 

If you're looking for a weather report, just ask the kindergartners what kind of weather they prefer!


Gym Days next week:  Tuesday and Thursday

On Wednesday, May 25th, the Kindergarten students may have free dress for our Early Childhood Celebration!

We are looking forward to seeing you at our Early Childhood Celebration on Wednesday, May 25, beginning at 8:15 am. Please RSVP here if you have not already done so. Please see the email from Mrs. Barrera for more details! Pray for good weather!

Looking ahead: 
There is no school on Friday, May 27, and Monday, May 30, for Memorial Day weekend.

The last day of school is on Wednesday, June 8 and dismissal will be at 12:00 noon. There will be no HCA Plus.

Continue the HCA fun this summer at HCA Summer Camp. Click here for more information. Register here - spots are filling fast!

Have a great weekend!
Sharon DeBardino

Friday, May 13, 2022

May 9th - 13th



Last week we took care of our caterpillars and watched them form into their chrysalis.  After a few days, our butterflies emerged and are beautiful!

Butterfly Crafts!

The students created colorful butterflies by using markers, coffee filters, and pipe cleaners!

The students have done a fantastic job with reviewing handwriting skills!  


Gym Days next week:  Monday, Wednesday, Thursday

Please RSVP here to our Early Childhood Celebration on Wednesday, May 25, beginning at 8:15 am. Please see the email from Mrs. Barrera for more details!

Looking ahead: 

    • There is no school on Friday, May 27, and Monday, May 30, for Memorial Day weekend.

    • The last day of school is on Wednesday, June 8.

    • Continue the HCA fun this summer at HCA Summer Camp. Click here for more information. Register here - spots are filling fast!

Have a great weekend,

Sharon DeBardino


March 3rd - 7th

 Last week we read the story, What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada. The story talks about how we can take an idea and turn it into r...