Friday, September 27, 2024

September 23rd - 27th

 This week the students worked on creating words using the Montessori movable alphabet. We think of a word that begins with a certain letter and write it phonetically.  Next, the students write the word in their journal and create a picture to go with it.  Soon we will start writing phonetic sentences.  This week our words of the week were:  see, the.  The letter of the week was:  B.

The students really enjoy using the movable alphabet as a center in the classroom.  A list of fall words are displayed so the students can read and copy the words with the materials.

This week the students worked hard on phonics, handwriting, and writing the number 3!  


Gym Days next week:  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

Early Childhood Family Service Project - Wednesday, October 2nd

Blessing of the animals  - Friday, October 4th

Please remember to pack any utensils your child may need during snack or lunch.
Ice cream will be sold for $2.00 during lunch on Wednesdays as an 8th grade fundraiser.

Have a great weekend!
Sharon DeBardino



Friday, September 20, 2024

September 16th - 20th

 The boys and girls continue to work well with routines, rules, and following directions.  We have started working in our small groups reviewing small sight and phonetic words and building two digit numbers with the Montessori math materials!  This week we learned about the sound for letter T and our words of the week were:  you, have.  We worked on writing numbers 1 and 2 along with the letter of the week:  T.

When asked the question, "What is science?" the class came up with a fantastic list of things about science!  We also discussed what does a scientist do and what tools can they use for experiments.  This week we had the chance to explore our nature space with magnifying glasses.  We got a close look at grass, dirt, leaves, and trees!  We are excited to be kindergarten scientists!


Gym Days next week:  Monday, Wednesday
Homework will be given every Thursday.  Please make sure homework is done using a pencil.

Have a wonderful weekend,
Sharon DeBardino


Friday, September 13, 2024

September 9th - 13th


 I'm very excited to have a class full of fun, energized, and super students!  Here is a peek at some of the activities we have been working on during the first full week of school.  The students have been learning rules, routines, and getting to know each other.  

Recess time on the playground and using the brand new Nature Space!

Having fun with classroom manipulatives, working on our words of the week papers, and working in our handwriting workbooks!

Montessori Work:  using the Number Rods and Movable Alphabet


Gym Days next week:  Tuesday, Friday

    Rest towels will be sent home every Friday for cleaning.

As the weather gets chilly, please send your child with a jacket or sweater everyday.  We go outside for morning and afternoon recess time.

Empty folders each night.

Homework will be sent home on Thursday.  Please have your child complete the work and place it in the folder for Friday.


Please pack 2 napkins for your child.

Please send in the necessary utensils your child may need.  Ex. fork or spoon.  This applies for HCA Plus snack as well.

Please send in a filled water bottle everyday.  We will refill as necessary.

Try your best to send items your child can open.


Thank you for your constant assistance and support! I am looking forward to a fantastic Kindergarten school year! Any questions, email me at

Have a great weekend,

Sharon DeBardino


March 3rd - 7th

 Last week we read the story, What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada. The story talks about how we can take an idea and turn it into r...