Friday, December 13, 2024


We ended our unit by having a Polar Express day where the students wore their pajamas and we watched the movie!  

"The stockings were hung by the chimney with care..." 

Using our Christmas words from the chart, the students created phonetic sentences about Christmas!

"I like eating Christmas cookies."

"Rudolph has a red nose."

"I like how Rudolph flies."

"I like Santa's reindeer."

"Santa Claus gives presents."

"I build a snowman outside."

"I build a snowman with Mommy."

"Jesus is nice."

"I like to eat gingerbread houses."

"I put decorations on the Christmas tree."

"Santa Claus likes milk and cookies,"

"Rudolph has a shiny nose."

"Jesus' birthday is on Christmas."

"Jesus loves us."

"Santa Claus is coming to town."

"The gingerbread boy is a cookie."

"Santa's sleigh is fast."

"I like Santa Claus because he gives us toys."

"I like Santa because he gives us toys."


Please be sure to get to school by 7:50 am since we have our dress rehearsals for the Christmas show.

On Tuesday, please arrive to school between 5:15 - 5:30 for the Christmas show.  Your child should be dressed in their nice clothes.  We will add their costumes when they arrive.  

Thursday, December 19th, dismissal at 12:00 on Penn Ave.  No Plus or lunch

Have a great weekend, 
Sharon DeBardino

Go Birds!!!

Friday, December 6, 2024

December 2nd - 6th

 I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!  Before we left for our Thanksgiving holiday break, the kindergarten students had a blast celebrating with their classmates.  We started our day with watching "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" with our other Early Childhood friends.  Next we went into the cafeteria and had a "Charlie Brown" feast just like they did in the movie!  We celebrated with pretzel sticks, popcorn, bread, and M&M's!

A huge thank you to all the families who sent in a toy for our Toys for Tots drive!  The HCA community did a fantastic job providing for those in need during the holiday season!

The Kindergarten students are ready for the holiday season!  Each student took a turn to add an ornament to our classroom Christmas tree!  They were a big help in making our classroom festive!

ALL ABOARD!!!!  Just a quick reminder, Wednesday, December 11th, will be our Kindergarten pajama day to end our unit on the Polar Express!  Students can wear their pajamas and we will watch the movie, Polar Express!


Gym Days next week:  Monday (rescheduled), Tuesday, Friday

Wednesday:  Polar Express Day: pajama day

Christmas Show: Tuesday, December 17th, 6:00 pm

Grandparents Day:  Wednesday, December 18th, 9:00 am

Have a wonderful weekend,
Sharon DeBardino


March 3rd - 7th

 Last week we read the story, What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada. The story talks about how we can take an idea and turn it into r...