Friday, October 12, 2018

October 8th - 12th

Even though we had a short week, it's been a busy week!  We introduced several new items in our writing, math and science centers.  The students had fun "writing the room" and looking for several Halloween pictures with words on them.  In math, we had to find the missing numbers on pumpkins and in science we were matching color cards with the correct words.  Speaking of Halloween, check out our Kindergarten pumpkin patch!

This week the letter of the week was:  T and the word of the week was: new.  In math we have been working on creating 3 and 4 cubed patterns.  The students continue to work on reading new vocabulary words from our reader.

Working on matching colors to words

Handwriting practice

Writing the room

Filling in the missing number

Working on vocabulary

Three-cubed pattern

Four-cubed pattern

We get to go to the library each week and check out books to bring back to our classroom.  We have a special place in the classroom where we keep our library books.  We get to enjoy them for the week and return them for new ones!  For the rest of October, it would be great if your child has a Halloween book they would like to share with the class.  Feel free to send it in to school!

Checking out books

Checking out books

Reminders and Events

Scholastic Book Order Due - October 19th
Please send in headphones for our Ipads
Please send in two napkins with your child's lunch
Return rest towels on Monday, October 15th

  Have a great weekend!
  Sharon DeBardino

March 3rd - 7th

 Last week we read the story, What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada. The story talks about how we can take an idea and turn it into r...