Friday, January 25, 2019

January 21st - 25th

This week the kindergarten students worked on creating winter sentences with the moveable alphabet.  The boys and girls came up with a list of words that have to do with winter.  Of course, we had words like mittens, snowball, and sledding, however, our list wasn't complete until we added hot cocoa and marshmallows!  Nothing like a cold winter day with a delicious cup of hot cocoa!  The words of the week are:  at, are.  The letter of the week is:  Oo.

In math, the boys and girls are using bear counters and number lines to help with subtraction.  This week they got to use the whiteboard to write number sentences!  Who knew using a dry erase marker could be so much fun!!  Some of the students partnered up and created the subtraction problem while the other student wrote the subtraction sentence on the board.  Way to go boys and girls!

This week the special student reader was Mack!  Mack did a super job reading a book called, Biscuit and the Little Pup.  Biscuit wanted to play and found a little puppy friend.  They played Hide and Seek!  Once again, we had a terrific audience!

Reminders and Events

Parent Visitation, February 8th

Student Holiday, Friday, February 15th and Monday, February 18th

Please remember to place two napkins in your child's lunchbox.  

If you would like, please send in a box of tissues or hand wipes for the classroom.  Cold season is definitely upon us.  

Have a great weekend!
Sharon DeBardino

Friday, January 18, 2019

January 14th - 18th

Last week we studied penguins and learned many facts about what they eat, their habitat, and ways they move.  We used our movable alphabet to write phonetic sentences about penguins.  This week, the kindergarten students did some "editing" and rewrote their sentences using the correct spelling and starting each sentence with a capital letter.  Can you believe kindergartners are working like first graders!  I'm so proud of the work they are doing!  This week our words of the week are:  will, with and the letter of the week is Kk.

This week in Social Studies, we discussed Martin Luther King, Jr.  With the help from our Scholastic Weekly Reader and many fantastic library books, we learned that Martin Luther King Jr. was a hero!  He was a kind and peaceful man who wanted everyone to be treated equally.  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is famous for his "I Have A Dream" speech.  The students created booklets that show pictures of how Dr. King's dreams have come true!

This week, George was our student reader.  He read to the class and did a wonderful job!  The boys and girls enjoyed a story about an otter who needed to take a bath!  The story was called, Otter, Oh No, Bath Time!

Reminders and Events

Monday, January 21st - Student Holiday

Friday, February 8th - Parent Visitation Day

Since it is cold season, could you please send in either a box of tissues and/or baby wipes or hand wipes.  No Clorox wipes.  Thank you!

Have a great weekend!
Sharon DeBardino

Friday, January 11, 2019

January 7th - January 11th

         Happy New Year!  I hope everyone had a terrific holiday and are ready for all the wonderful things to come in 2019!  After the holiday break, the Kindergarten students are back to working in small and large groups, centers, and getting ourselves back into the school routine.  This month we are working on simple addition and subtraction using a number line, writing sentences, adding new vocabulary from the reader, and learning about penguins!  Our word of the week is:  this and the letter of the week is Bb.

Here are some fantastic facts about penguins.  The students used the Montessori moveable alphabet to write their sentences.

After learning how to use the number line, the students had fun using an app on the Ipad which reinforced the skill of adding using a number line.

We read the story Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats.  We created our own snowy day scenes using cotton balls and chalk!

As the year goes on, the boys and girls will get chances to read aloud to the class!  The rest of the class made a terrific audience!

                                                                GO EAGLES!!!!!

Reminders and Events

Rest towels are being sent home today.  Please return on Monday.  
Please remind your children toys are for home.  Some are bringing in their toys and we don't want any pieces to get lost or broken.

Have a great weekend!  Go EAGLES!
Sharon DeBardino

March 3rd - 7th

 Last week we read the story, What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada. The story talks about how we can take an idea and turn it into r...