Friday, January 25, 2019

January 21st - 25th

This week the kindergarten students worked on creating winter sentences with the moveable alphabet.  The boys and girls came up with a list of words that have to do with winter.  Of course, we had words like mittens, snowball, and sledding, however, our list wasn't complete until we added hot cocoa and marshmallows!  Nothing like a cold winter day with a delicious cup of hot cocoa!  The words of the week are:  at, are.  The letter of the week is:  Oo.

In math, the boys and girls are using bear counters and number lines to help with subtraction.  This week they got to use the whiteboard to write number sentences!  Who knew using a dry erase marker could be so much fun!!  Some of the students partnered up and created the subtraction problem while the other student wrote the subtraction sentence on the board.  Way to go boys and girls!

This week the special student reader was Mack!  Mack did a super job reading a book called, Biscuit and the Little Pup.  Biscuit wanted to play and found a little puppy friend.  They played Hide and Seek!  Once again, we had a terrific audience!

Reminders and Events

Parent Visitation, February 8th

Student Holiday, Friday, February 15th and Monday, February 18th

Please remember to place two napkins in your child's lunchbox.  

If you would like, please send in a box of tissues or hand wipes for the classroom.  Cold season is definitely upon us.  

Have a great weekend!
Sharon DeBardino

March 3rd - 7th

 Last week we read the story, What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada. The story talks about how we can take an idea and turn it into r...