Friday, February 1, 2019

January 25th - February 1st

This week we spent a lot time working on adding two and three digit numbers together with the Bank Game.  The students work with a partner to create two numbers and gather the correct materials.  They combine the materials and in some cases exchange units for ten sticks and ten sticks for hundred squares.  I'm so impressed by how quickly the students can follow the steps when working with the Bank Game. 

This week our words of the week are:  get, it, for.  The letter of the week is:  Ll.

This week in science we learned about ramps.  We learned that a ramp is an incline which things can travel up and down on easier.  The students were placed in groups of four or five and were given various items to test on the ramp.  We placed the ramp at different inclines and tested to see if the item would slide down the ramp.  It was so great to see how the groups worked together and decided who would test each item and the order they would test.  It's so nice to see five and six year old children problem solve on their own and work together as a team!  What a great group of students!

This week our kindergarten guest reader was Jonathan!  Jonathan read a story called, Go, Go Trucks! 
This book was full of fantastic adjectives describing different kinds of trucks and way they move.  Jonathan was a great reader and the class enjoyed his story!

Reminders and Events

Friday, February 8th - Parent Visitation Day!

Friday, February 15th, 18th - Student Holidays

Have a great weekend!
Sharon DeBardino

March 3rd - 7th

 Last week we read the story, What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada. The story talks about how we can take an idea and turn it into r...