Friday, February 8, 2019

February 4th - 8th

This has been a really special week at Holy Child Academy!  On Tuesday, the Early Childhood students helped to complete a school-wide service project.  Our job was to fill snack bags that were decorated by the Lower School students.  We filled the bags with juice boxes, granola bars and fruit snacks.  We explained to the students that some children do not get a snack at their school, so we are providing a special snack to make them happy!  Every child from Nursery 2 to Kindergarten did their part!  Even the youngest child can do service and feel good about it! 


Parent Visitation Day was a success!  A huge thank you to our parents for taking time to visit today and participate in the classroom lessons.  The students really enjoyed having their parents during the morning activities!

This week CJ was our kindergarten student reader! CJ read the story, Biscuit's New Trick!  Biscuit learns to fetch a ball but ends up splashing in the mud!  Poor Biscuit.  CJ did a fantastic job reading to his classmates!  

Reminders and Events

Rest towels are being sent home today.  Please wash and return on Monday.

Please begin practicing shoe tying if you have not already.  

Please have your child learn their phone number and address.

Student Holiday - Friday, February 15th, Monday, February 18th

Have a great weekend!
Sharon DeBardino

March 3rd - 7th

 Last week we read the story, What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada. The story talks about how we can take an idea and turn it into r...