Friday, April 5, 2019

April 1st - 5th

This week the Kindergarten class had two special events.  We had our field trip to Lankenau Hospital and we lead the entire school in a Lenten prayer service for the fourth week of Lent.  Both events were fantastic.  During our trip to Lankenau, the boys and girls learned six ways to take care of our bodies.  Here are the six ways:  drink plenty of water, eat healthy, exercise, get plenty of sleep, brush your teeth, and keep your body clean and germ free!  We had a great time and had lots of chances to participate.  Our prayer service was so nice and we would like to thank our parents and grandparents for attending.

We gathered in the lobby of the Education Center at Lankenau, and learned that our body has 206 bones and we have many arteries and blood vessels that travel throughout the body.

We learned about the food plate.  Some children helped placing foods in the correct spot on the food plate.

Learning about our muscles!

CJ showed us Mr. Bones!

We met Tuffy the Tooth and he helped us learn to keep our teeth healthy and clean!

Each student had a turn to speak on the microphone and share their message during the prayer service.

Here is a video of the class singing, May All Children.  This video was taken during one of our rehearsals.  I'm so proud of this class and thank you Mrs. Clay for teaching the students a beautiful song. 

This week Marianne was our student reader.  She read, Big Shark, Little Shark by Anna Membrino.
The story was about big shark being very hungry and not being able to catch any of the fish because they were too fast.  It was fun story and Marianne was a great reader!

Have a great weekend!
Sharon DeBardino

March 3rd - 7th

 Last week we read the story, What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada. The story talks about how we can take an idea and turn it into r...