Friday, May 31, 2019

May 27th - May 31st

What a great year we had in Kindergarten!  Check out some of the things the students liked about this year!

A huge thank you to our parent guest readers this year!  Here are a few that came in this week to read!

Mack's mom read, Stone Soup!  What a great story about community and helping!

Zuri's mom read, Hi Fly Guy! Flies do make good pets!

Alexa and Kevin's mom read, The Night Before First Grade!  We are excited to become First Graders!

In math class this week, the students made menus that offered  meals, drinks, and desserts!  We shared our menus with the faculty and staff and they "purchased" items and we collected all the money.  We are going to send the money to Saint Jude Children's Hospital in Tennessee.  We discussed how the money can be used to buy gifts and medicine for the children.  I'm very proud of my students for doing service! And a huge THANK YOU to the HCA faculty and staff for participating and donating to a great cause!


Wednesday, June 5th - Last Day of School
Parents are invited to attend the 2:00 p.m. prayer service and the Step-Up Ceremony that follows!

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, the kindergarten students may have free dress.  An email will be sent home with details regarding next week's schedule.

Wednesday, June 5th - Pizza Lunch - If you have not handed in the pizza lunch form, please do so by Monday, June 3rd.  

Summer Work
Each kindergarten student will receive a summer work packet.  The packet contains vocabulary words from our readers and words of the week.  The students can review the words, practice spelling, and using them in sentences.  The packet also contains math activities, helpful websites, and instructions on reading throughout the summer and completing five reader review worksheets.  Summer work can be handed back in September.

This year has been filled with wonderful and exciting experiences for your children.  We have worked hard and have learned a great deal.  I'm very proud of my kindergarten class and look forward to seeing them as successful first graders!

Have a fantastic summer and thank you for the opportunity to teach your children!
Sharon DeBardino

March 3rd - 7th

 Last week we read the story, What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada. The story talks about how we can take an idea and turn it into r...