Friday, December 20, 2019

December 16th - 20th

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Kindergarten Class!

The kindergarten students worked hard on making Christmas sentences!  The boys and girls are excited for Santa, love decorating the Christmas tree, and can't wait to see the presents under the tree!

A special thank you to Ethen's mom for coming and celebrating his birthday with a story! 
 We loved the story and the special snacks as well!


Christmas Break - December 23rd - January 6th
(School resumes Tuesday, January 7th)

Gym days when we return: Wednesday (1/8/20), Friday (1/10/20)

We are in need of hand wipes and tissues if you would like to donate to the kindergarten class.
Thank you!

Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Sharon DeBardino

Friday, December 13, 2019

December 9th - 13th

'Tis the Season!  

This week the kindergarten class continues to work on the Christmas show.  We have been singing the songs and learning our places on stage.  However, we have made time to understand the true meaning of Christmas!  We read the story, The Best Thing About Christmas by Christine Harder Tangvald.  It's a story about all of the wonderful things that go along with Christmas, like the decorations and colors of Christmas, smells like turkey in the oven and cookies baking at Grandmom's house, and the sounds of Christmas like bells and carols!  These are all great things about Christmas, but what's the best thing?  Jesus!  The day we celebrate Jesus' birthday!  Our class did our own journal entry of what we think the best thing about Christmas is.  Yes, it's Jesus but check out some of our other ideas!

"The best thing about Christmas is Santa Claus.  He brings us toys.  Santa Claus is happy and he works hard."  ~ Kellan

"The best thing about Christmas is getting presents.  I love giving people presents because it makes them feel happy."
 ~ Foster
"The best thing about Christmas is having dinner with my family.  We decorate the Christmas tree together." ~ Roman

"The best thing about Christmas is opening presents with my family.  We drink hot chocolate together and checking out the things in my stocking."  ~ Lucy
"The best thing about Christmas is my Christmas tree.  I love that it is shiny.  I love getting presents and toys."  ~Charity

"The best thing about Christmas is sharing presents with my baby brother.  I love to decorate the Christmas tree."  ~ Lily
"The best thing about Christmas is presents.  I like getting stuff.  I like the Christmas tree because I get to help decorate it with ornaments."  ~ Truman

"The best thing about Christmas is presents.  I like to get toys.  And I like to celebrate Jesus' birthday.  Santa gives us presents but God gave us Jesus."  ~ Nora
"The best thing about Christmas is coming down the stairs, seeing the Christmas tree and the presents.  I love seeing so many surprises."  ~ Scarlett

"The best thing about Christmas is the Christmas tree.  It has lights and bells and presents.  It has a pretty start at the top.  Santa puts the presents under the tree."  ~ Jurnee
"The best thing about Christmas is Baby Jesus.  We celebrate his birthday on Christmas day by giving presents.  I like getting presents."  ~ Vincent

"The best thing about Christmas is giving a present to my dad and he gives me one back.  He gets me anything I like and I feel happy."  ~ Austin
"The best thing about Christmas is getting presents.  It's fun to do.  I also like to have dessert with my family.  Ice cream sandwiches are my favorite."  ~ Davis

"The best thing about Christmas is spending time with my family.  We like to bake cookies and decorate the Christmas tree."  ~ Karly
"The best thing about Christmas is Santa bringing my presents and putting up the Christmas tree with my parents.  I love having my family to help me."  ~ Kayley

"The best thing about Christmas is Baby Jesus.  We celebrate his birthday.  He grows up and tells people to be kind."  ~ Mira
"The best thing about Christmas is Baby Jesus got presents.  It was nice he got them."  ~ Ethen

"The best thing about Christmas is driving in the car and seeing all the decorations.  I love seeing presents under the tree.  Breakfast Christmas morning is pancakes with sprinkles.  I love the snow and my family."  ~ Braela

"The best thing about Christmas is presents.  Santa Claus brings me presents.  I like to decorate the Christmas tree.  We put a star at the top of the tree."  ~ Marcus

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care......

A little sneak peek of the Lower School and Early Childhood practicing for the show!

A special thank you to Lily's mom for coming into kindergarten to celebrate Lily's birthday by reading a story to the class.  We really enjoyed the story!

Reminders about the Christmas Show:
Wednesday, December 18th - show begins at 6:00 p.m.
(Students must arrive at 5:30 p.m.)

Students must wear the clothes that were assigned to them.  A reminder note will be sent home next week.  They will wear those clothes again on Thursday for Grandparents Day.
Thursday, December 19th.  (Grandparents Only)


Gym Days next week:  Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Friday, December 20th - School-wide pizza lunch
If you have not handed in your money for pizza, please do so ASAP.

Friday, December 20th - Last Day of school before break.

Christmas Break
December 22nd - January 6th
School Resumes - Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Have a great weekend!
Sharon DeBardino

Friday, December 6, 2019

December 2nd - 6th

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoyed time off with your families and friends.  Before we left for the holiday, we had our own Thanksgiving celebration with our Early Childhood friends.  We had a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving!  The entire Early Childhood got together to watch  the movie Charlie Brown, Thanksgiving and we had a "Charlie Brown style" feast!  Instead of the traditional turkey, mashed potatoes, and the rest of the fixings, we had bread, pretzels, popcorn and  M&M's!  It was terrific!

The Kindergarten students wore Native American headbands, the PK wore Pilgrim bonnets and hats,  Nursery 3 wore both, and Nursery 2 wore turkey hats!  We sat together as a group and enjoyed the festivities!

The Kindergarten class completed a mini unit using the story The Polar Express!  The children received a one way ticket to ride aboard the classroom Polar Express where we looked at the different vocabulary and created our own stories about being a passenger on the Polar Express!

We concluded the unit with a pajama day in Kindergarten!  The children wore their pajamas to school and enjoyed a showing of the movie, The Polar Express, while snacking on juice and cookies. We had a super fun time wearing our pjs to school!

The Kindergarten students are working hard on practicing for the Christmas and Nativity show!  Our shepherds, stable animals, angels, wise men, along with Mary and Joseph will act out the story of Jesus' birth. 


Sunday, December 8th - Family Christmas Liturgy, 10:00 am

Monday, December 9th - Scholastic Book Order Due

Gym days next week:  Tuesday, Thursday

Wednesday, December 18th - Early Childhood and Lower School Christmas Gala,
show begins at 6:00 pm, children need to arrive at 5:30 pm

Thursday, December 19th - Grandparents Day

Friday, December 20th - Last Day before Christmas break!

Have a wonderful weekend!
Sharon DeBardino

March 3rd - 7th

 Last week we read the story, What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada. The story talks about how we can take an idea and turn it into r...