Friday, November 15, 2024

November 12th - 15th

 This week, we read the story, A Turkey for Thanksgiving by Eve Bunting.  It's a story about Mr. and Mrs. Moose hosting Thanksgiving dinner for their forest friends and wanting to have a turkey for dinner.  Unbeknownst to the turkey, the Mr. and Mrs. Moose want Turkey to come as their guest, not as the meal! By the end of the story, all the forest friends, including Turkey are enjoying a seat at the Thanksgiving table.  After the story, we talked about turkeys and created a list of what turkeys can do, what they are, and what they have.  The students then created a turkey along with a sentence about turkeys!  We had a lot of fun creating the list about turkeys!


In math, many of  our students are working on adding two digit numbers together with a partner and building numbers with cards and materials.  The students are learning how to complete this work independently!


Gym days next week:  Monday, Thursday

Tuesday, November 19th - Nature Space Ribbon Cutting
(Kindergarten must wear regular uniform)

Please be sure your child comes to school with a water bottle.

Please be sure your child wears a coat to school.  

The PK and Kindergarten students are running a school-wide drive for Toys for Tots. Please consider donating a new, unwrapped toy to help others during the holiday season.  The drive goes through December 6th.

Have a great weekend,
Sharon DeBardino

March 3rd - 7th

 Last week we read the story, What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada. The story talks about how we can take an idea and turn it into r...