Friday, November 30, 2018

November 26th - 30th

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoyed time off with your families and friends.  Before we left for the holiday, we had our own Thanksgiving celebration with our Early Childhood friends.  We had a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving!  The entire Early Childhood got together to watch  the movie Charlie Brown, Thanksgiving and we had a "Charlie Brown style" feast!  Instead of the traditional turkey, mashed potatoes, and the rest of the fixings, we had bread, pretzels, popcorn and  M&M's!  It was terrific!

The Kindergarten students wore Native American headbands, the PK wore Pilgrim bonnets and hats, and the Nursery wore both!  We sat together as a group and enjoyed the festivities!

The Kindergarten class is working on a mini unit using the story The Polar Express!  The children will receive a one way ticket to ride aboard the classroom Polar Express where we will look at the different vocabulary and create our own stories about being a passenger on the Polar Express!

On Wednesday, December 5th, we will conclude the unit with a pajama day in Kindergarten!  The children may wear their pajamas to school but must wear sneakers as well.  We will enjoy a showing of the movie, The Polar Express, while snacking on hot cocoa and cookies.  

The Kindergarten students are working hard on practicing for the Christmas and Nativity show!  Our shepherds, angels, wise men, along with Mary and Joseph will act out the story of Jesus' birth. 

Events and Reminders

Wednesday, December 5th - Polar Express Day, Kindergarten students will wear their pajamas to school.

Friday, December 7th - Special Tag Day - the whole school is invited to wear their pajamas to school for $1.00.

Sunday, December 9th - Family Christmas Liturgy, 10:00 a.m.

Thursday, December 6th - Scholastic Book Order Due

Have a great weekend!
Sharon DeBardino

Friday, November 16, 2018

November 12th - 16th

The Kindergarten students, along with our younger friends in Early Childhood, talked about Veteran's Day and what it means to be a veteran and serve our country.  We got together as a group and wrote letters to thank our servicemen and women for their dedication and sacrifices for our country.  We mailed the letters to Operation Gratitude.   We are hoping to become pen pals with some of the troops!   

Thank you cards!

Thank you cards!

Thank you cards!

This week in class, we read a book called, Senses by Aliki.  We were able to name the five senses and give examples of something for each sense.  We used our Readers Workbook to write a sentence about one of the senses. 

Writing a sentence in his workbook

Writing a sentence in his workbook

As Thanksgiving approaches, the boys and girls enjoyed using watercolors to make turkeys!  And some students wrote fantastic sentences using the movable alphabet.

Watercolor fun

Watercolor fun

Watercolor fun

Movable alphabet

Movable alphabet

Of course we had to celebrate the first snowfall of the season!

We love snow!

Reminders and Events

Wednesday, November 21st - Dismissal at noon
Thanksgiving Holiday, November 22nd - 23rd

Please remember to send in your colored sweatpants for the Christmas show

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Take care,
Sharon DeBardino

Friday, November 9, 2018

November 5th - November 9th

This week one of the reading groups read a story about a group of children who used their imaginations and turned a cardboard box into several different things.  I asked the students to use their imaginations and if they had a cardboard box, what would they turn it into?  Check out our movable alphabet sentences.

Movable Alphabet

Movable Alphabet

Movable Alphabet

Some students were given the opportunity to use the movable alphabet and write about anything they wanted to.  Here are some great sentences about vacation and outside play!

Movable Alphabet

Movable Alphabet

Movable Alphabet

In math this week, some students started adding two digit numbers together using the Montessori Bank Game.  The boys and girls worked very well together!  We also introduced skip counting by 2's using unifix cubes!

Bank Game

Bank Game

Skip Counting by 2's

Skip Counting by 2's

We introduced a new app on the Ipads.  It's called EPIC!  The boys and girls love reading and listening to stories about various topics.

Reading a story about cats!

The boys and girls really enjoy a healthy snack!  Each week we have carrot sticks, apple slices, grapes, and clementines.  I think the clementines are a favorite!

Healthy Snack!

Each  year the faculty play volleyball against the Eighth graders.  We were able to watch the game and cheer on the teachers and students.  The Middle School students also had a playoff game for their Intramural Volleyball league.  We made signs and had a great time with the whole school.

Volleyball Game

Volleyball Game


Friday, November 16th, No school, Conferences

Wednesday, November 21st, Teacher Appreciation Celebration, Half Day

Thursday, November 22nd, and Friday, November 23rd, Thanksgiving Holiday,    No school

Friday, November 2, 2018

October 29th - November 2nd

This week was super busy was lots of Halloween fun!  Dressing up in costumes and playing games was a real treat for the Kindergarten class.  A huge thank you to Mrs. Mossor and the 7th and 8th graders for providing the fun during the Halloween Mission Party!  We also made a delicious witch's brew with Mrs. Clay.  We added the spooky ingredients and enjoyed a tasty Halloween snack!

In science, we carved out two pumpkins and counted the seeds.  It was slimy, slippery, and gooey!  We had to separate the seeds from the pulp and place the seeds in groups of ten.  We then counted by tens and added the seeds together.  The smaller pumpkin had 227 seeds.  The larger pumpkin had 356 seeds.

The Kindergarten class had the opportunity to attend the Book Fair!  What a great selection of books!  Thank you Mrs. Clay for organizing this fun event!  This week the words of the week are:  his, can.  The letter of the week is:  C.

Halloween Mission Party

Halloween Mission Party

Halloween Mission Party

Halloween Mission Party

Having fun with friends

Halloween crafts

Halloween games

Halloween games

Halloween games

Halloween games

Halloween crafts

Halloween crafts

Halloween crafts

Halloween mask

Halloween crafts

Halloween crafts

Halloween mask

Fun with pulp and seeds!  

Separating the seeds from the pulp

Counting Seeds

Reminders and Events

Monday, November 5th will be Day 6, regular uniform

Tuesday, November 6th, Holiday for Students

Thursday, November 15th and Friday, November 16th, Parent/Teacher Conferences
Friday, November 16th, No school for students

Please send in warm clothing for your child's change of clothing bag

Have a great weekend,
Sharon DeBardino

March 3rd - 7th

 Last week we read the story, What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada. The story talks about how we can take an idea and turn it into r...