Friday, November 16, 2018

November 12th - 16th

The Kindergarten students, along with our younger friends in Early Childhood, talked about Veteran's Day and what it means to be a veteran and serve our country.  We got together as a group and wrote letters to thank our servicemen and women for their dedication and sacrifices for our country.  We mailed the letters to Operation Gratitude.   We are hoping to become pen pals with some of the troops!   

Thank you cards!

Thank you cards!

Thank you cards!

This week in class, we read a book called, Senses by Aliki.  We were able to name the five senses and give examples of something for each sense.  We used our Readers Workbook to write a sentence about one of the senses. 

Writing a sentence in his workbook

Writing a sentence in his workbook

As Thanksgiving approaches, the boys and girls enjoyed using watercolors to make turkeys!  And some students wrote fantastic sentences using the movable alphabet.

Watercolor fun

Watercolor fun

Watercolor fun

Movable alphabet

Movable alphabet

Of course we had to celebrate the first snowfall of the season!

We love snow!

Reminders and Events

Wednesday, November 21st - Dismissal at noon
Thanksgiving Holiday, November 22nd - 23rd

Please remember to send in your colored sweatpants for the Christmas show

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Take care,
Sharon DeBardino

March 3rd - 7th

 Last week we read the story, What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada. The story talks about how we can take an idea and turn it into r...