This week one of the reading groups read a story about a group of children who used their imaginations and turned a cardboard box into several different things. I asked the students to use their imaginations and if they had a cardboard box, what would they turn it into? Check out our movable alphabet sentences.
Movable Alphabet |
Movable Alphabet |
Movable Alphabet |
Some students were given the opportunity to use the movable alphabet and write about anything they wanted to. Here are some great sentences about vacation and outside play!
Movable Alphabet |
Movable Alphabet |
Movable Alphabet |
In math this week, some students started adding two digit numbers together using the Montessori Bank Game. The boys and girls worked very well together! We also introduced skip counting by 2's using unifix cubes!
Bank Game |
Bank Game |
Skip Counting by 2's |
Skip Counting by 2's |
We introduced a new app on the Ipads. It's called EPIC! The boys and girls love reading and listening to stories about various topics.
Reading a story about cats! |
The boys and girls really enjoy a healthy snack! Each week we have carrot sticks, apple slices, grapes, and clementines. I think the clementines are a favorite!
Healthy Snack! |
Each year the faculty play volleyball against the Eighth graders. We were able to watch the game and cheer on the teachers and students. The Middle School students also had a playoff game for their Intramural Volleyball league. We made signs and had a great time with the whole school.
Volleyball Game |
Volleyball Game |
Friday, November 16th, No school, Conferences
Wednesday, November 21st, Teacher Appreciation Celebration, Half Day
Thursday, November 22nd, and Friday, November 23rd, Thanksgiving Holiday, No school