Friday, March 22, 2019

March 18th - 22nd

Holy Child Academy Spirit Week 2019

     This week was so much fun with all the themes and fun activities that were planned for Spirit Week!  A huge thank you to Mrs. Mossor for planning such a fun week!  We started the week with dressing as our favorite actor, sports person, or book character!  We paraded in the gym and hung out with Blaze, the HCA dragon! There was a candy jar guessing game for all the Early Childhood students.  Kent was the winner!  Way to go, Kent!  We were able to bring in our artwork to be displayed in the cafeteria and had a fun dance party.  We dressed as our favorite superheros and Disney characters.  And ended the fun week dressing proudly in our HCA gear or green and white!  

Actors, Athletes, and Author Day

Superhero/Disney Day


Spring Break - March 25th - 29th

Spring uniform begins Monday, April 1st

Kindergarten Lankenau Trip - Wednesday, April 3rd
(If you have not returned the permission slip, please do so on Monday, April 1st)

Kindergarten Lenten Prayer Service - Friday, April 5th, 8:15 a.m.
(Please have your child practice their lines over the break)

Have a wonderful spring break!
Sharon DeBardino

Friday, March 15, 2019

March 11th - 15th

With spring right around the corner, the Kindergarten students have been working towards becoming First graders!  We have increased our homework days, are working on digraphs in class, and are preparing to lead the school in a Lenten Prayer Service!  This week some of our friends wrote sentences us a word that begins with sh.  In class, we have created lists for the following digraphs:  sh, wh, ch, and th.  Challenge your child to find objects around the house that start or end with the digraphs we have worked on in class.  This week our words of the week are:  who, could, find.  The letter of the week is:  J.

This week, Cameron was our student guest reader!  Cameron read, "Jump Pup."  The puppy in the story was doing lots of actions and the pictures of the puppy were adorable!  Cameron did a great job reading to the class and we all enjoyed the story.


Next week is HCA Spirit Week!  It's a fun week to be a Holy Child student!  If you have any questions, please ask.  Here is the information for the week.

                                              SPIRIT WEEK (Monday, March 18th - Friday, March 22nd)

                             Monday - Actors, Athletes, and Authors (dress down day)                                                                                      Dress as your favorite actor, athlete or book character.
                            Tuesday - Music and Masterpiece (NO dress down) 
                                             Bring in your artwork for display.
                            Wednesday - Superhero/Disney Day!  (dress down day) 
                                             Dress as your favorite superhero or Disney character
                            Thursday - Accessory Day (NO dress down) 
                            Friday - HCA Day (dress down day) 
                                           Dress in Holy Child gear or green and white colors. 

Spring Break - March 25th - 29th

Kindergarten Prayer Service - Friday, April 5th, 8:15 a.m.

Have a great weekend!
Sharon DeBardino

Friday, March 8, 2019

March 4th - 8th

The kindergarten class continues to work hard on lessons.  Some of our students are now adding in the thousands using the Montessori Bank Game!  Our "specials" are special!  Our Specials teachers work so hard with the students and prepare fantastic lessons for them.  This week in art the students are working on portraits, in STEAM they were coding, in music they sang a song about the different ways to say hello in several languages, and in physical education they worked on doing gymnastics and fine and gross motor skills.  Our words of the week are:  back, said.  The letter of the week is:  Vv.

Adding with thousands using the Montessori Bank Game

Working on portraits!

Painting her portrait!

Painting his portrait!

Coding in STEAM!

Coding in STEAM!

Singing and dancing in music class!


Building with cups!

Working on gross motor skills!

This week at HCA we attended a school wide assembly to watch Mr. Zwilling teach us about science!  He showed us lots of wonderful things and did some fun experiments.  Mr. Zwilling taught us lots of safety rules when conducting experiments.  Gianna got to assist in one of the experiments!  Great job, Gianna! 

Mr. Zwilling

Gianna helping with an experiment!

This week Malayka was our student reader!  She read, Drop It, Rocket by Tad Hills.  Rocket is a dog that picks up everything he sees then drops it.  Malayka was a wonderful reader and our class made a terrific audience. 


Please keep practicing shoe tying, address and phone numbers.

If your child's headphones are not working properly, can you please send in a new pair?
Thank you!

Beginning next week, the students will have homework three nights a week.  
A note will be sent home next week explaining the details.


Spring Break, March 25th - 29th

Spring uniform begins Monday, April 1st

Kindergarten Prayer Service, Friday, April 5th 8:15 a.m.

Have a nice weekend!
Sharon DeBardino

Friday, March 1, 2019

February 25th - March 1st

This week the students wrote phonetic sentences about their favorite games they like to play using the movable alphabet.  It's so nice to see boys and girls enjoying outside games like soccer and hide and seek, and inside games like tic tac toe and checkers!  The students played a game called, SWAT!  We were divided into groups of four and each child had a turn "swatting" their fly swatter at a fly with a word on it!  It was so great to see such teamwork and cheering for classmates!  This week our words of the week are:  they, were.  The letter of the week is: Ee.

Phonetic sentence using the movable alphabet

Phonetic sentence using the movable alphabet

Phonetic sentence using the movable alphabet

Phonetic sentence using the movable alphabet

Phonetic sentence using the movable alphabet

Phonetic sentence using the movable alphabet

Phonetic sentence using the movable alphabet

Playing SWAT!

Playing SWAT!

Playing SWAT!

Enjoying a healthy snack!

This week, Kevin was our student reader.  Kevin read Eric Carle's Can a Cat Do That?  The story was about different animals that can do certain things and whether or not a cat can do them.  Kevin did a fantastic job reading the story and everyone enjoyed listening to it!


Spring Break -  Monday, March 25th - 29th

Kindergarten Lankenau Hospital Field Trip - Wednesday, April 3rd

Kindergarten Prayer Service - Friday, April 5th 

Have a great weekend!
Sharon DeBardino

March 3rd - 7th

 Last week we read the story, What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada. The story talks about how we can take an idea and turn it into r...