Friday, March 8, 2019

March 4th - 8th

The kindergarten class continues to work hard on lessons.  Some of our students are now adding in the thousands using the Montessori Bank Game!  Our "specials" are special!  Our Specials teachers work so hard with the students and prepare fantastic lessons for them.  This week in art the students are working on portraits, in STEAM they were coding, in music they sang a song about the different ways to say hello in several languages, and in physical education they worked on doing gymnastics and fine and gross motor skills.  Our words of the week are:  back, said.  The letter of the week is:  Vv.

Adding with thousands using the Montessori Bank Game

Working on portraits!

Painting her portrait!

Painting his portrait!

Coding in STEAM!

Coding in STEAM!

Singing and dancing in music class!


Building with cups!

Working on gross motor skills!

This week at HCA we attended a school wide assembly to watch Mr. Zwilling teach us about science!  He showed us lots of wonderful things and did some fun experiments.  Mr. Zwilling taught us lots of safety rules when conducting experiments.  Gianna got to assist in one of the experiments!  Great job, Gianna! 

Mr. Zwilling

Gianna helping with an experiment!

This week Malayka was our student reader!  She read, Drop It, Rocket by Tad Hills.  Rocket is a dog that picks up everything he sees then drops it.  Malayka was a wonderful reader and our class made a terrific audience. 


Please keep practicing shoe tying, address and phone numbers.

If your child's headphones are not working properly, can you please send in a new pair?
Thank you!

Beginning next week, the students will have homework three nights a week.  
A note will be sent home next week explaining the details.


Spring Break, March 25th - 29th

Spring uniform begins Monday, April 1st

Kindergarten Prayer Service, Friday, April 5th 8:15 a.m.

Have a nice weekend!
Sharon DeBardino

March 3rd - 7th

 Last week we read the story, What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada. The story talks about how we can take an idea and turn it into r...