Friday, May 10, 2019

May 6th - May 10th

We started our week with a guest reader.  Mrs. Mercaldo came to read to us Monday morning.  George was super surprised!  She read, Tinyville Town Get to Work by Brian Biggs.  The story was about a town that needed a larger bridge and everyone helped out to make the bridge bigger.  Thank you, Mrs. Mercaldo for being our guest reader.

For Community time this week, the whole school participated in an Earth Day activity.  We have been talking about recycling, reusing, and reducing.  The kindergarten class reused water bottles and made sun catchers.  We had so much fun working on the project and talking about ways to reuse items around the house.  Every little bit helps!  Thank you to Mrs. Mossor and Mrs. Mueller for organizing the activities!

In math class, the students have been introduced to money.  We are naming the coins and their amounts.  Some friends have started adding with the coins!

Our Eighth Grade students have been researching climate change for the past few months.  The students presented their findings in small groups with detailed information using posters, short videos, and demonstrations.  They did a fantastic job explaining climate change to the classes and made it fun and interesting!  Super job, Eighth Grade!

The Early Childhood students are so eager to share all they have learned about the baby chicks with you at our celebration! It was an exciting week at HCA when all 12 of our chicks hatched! Take a look:


Early Childhood Celebration - Wednesday, May 15th at 8:30 a.m.
Students are to wear their assigned colored shirt to school on Wednesday with any bottoms of your choice and sneakers. 

Student Holiday - Tuesday, May 21st (Election Day, Teacher In-Service)

Memorial Day Holiday - Friday, May 24th and Monday, May 27th

Last Day of School - Wednesday, June 5th

Have a great weekend!
Sharon DeBardino

March 3rd - 7th

 Last week we read the story, What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada. The story talks about how we can take an idea and turn it into r...