This week in Social Studies, we discussed Martin Luther King, Jr. With the help from our Scholastic Weekly Reader and many fantastic library books, we learned that Martin Luther King Jr. was a hero! He was a kind and peaceful man who wanted everyone to be treated equally. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is famous for his "I Have A Dream" speech. The students created booklets that show pictures of how Dr. King's dreams have come true! They also created sentences about what their dream would be using the movable alphabet!
Monday, January 20th - No school
(MLK, Jr. Day)
Tuesday, January 21st, Bake Sale to benefit Australia
Items on sale for $.50 - $1.00
Gym Days next week: Tuesday and Thursday
HCA Coat Drive - January 21st - January 28th
New or gently used coats
(children, men and women)
Benefits the Greater Philadelphia Area
Looking Ahead: February 7th - Parent Visitation Day
Have a great weekend!
Sharon DeBardino