Friday, January 29, 2021

January 25th - 29th


This week some of our kindergarten students took a break from our regular reader and worked on reading Snow, by PD Eastman.  We looked at some challenging vocabulary and some rhyming words!  We have snow on the brain!

Using a number, the students worked on subtraction.  We understand that when we add, our answer gets larger and when we subtract, the answer is smaller.  I'm very proud of the students.  They continue to work very hard.

Keeping with our theme of snow, the students wrote sentences using the Moveable Alphabet.  We chose winter words from our chart and used them to write a phonetic sentence!  Way to go!


    Our Pre-K and Kindergarten students are in charge of organizing school-wide drives.  Our first drive will be a sock drive.  We will be collecting socks for the organization called, The Joy of Sox.  The drive will run from Monday, February 1st - Thursday, February 11th.  We will be collecting NEW men's, women's and children's socks.  Please keep the socks in their original packaging.  There will be boxes in school to collect the donations.  You can view our promo video here.  


EC report cards will be emailed home next week. There are no mandatory conferences at this time, but please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Student Council is selling Candy Grams! The cost is $1.00 per candy gram and the deadline to purchase is Wednesday, February 10th.  Delivery date is Thursday February 11th. Please see the email from Mrs. Richards for more information.

There is no school on Friday, February 12th (faculty in service) and Monday, February 15th (Presidents’ Day).

Enrollment contracts for the 2021-2022 academic year are due on Friday, February 26th.

February is Black History Month when we will be celebrating Black history and culture. If you or someone you know would be willing to share with a class, a division, or multiple groups to enhance our celebration in any way, please email and we will make it as easy as possible. Looking ahead: March is Women’s Month, April is Arab American Heritage Month, and May is Asian and Pacific Islanders Heritage Month.

Gym days next week:  Monday, Thursday, Friday

Have a great weekend!

Sharon DeBardino

Friday, January 22, 2021

January 18th - 22nd


Using the Montessori Movable Alphabet, the students were given the story starter of, "I have a dream."  Each student thought about what their dream would be to make our world a better place!  With their ideas, I truly believe our world can be a better place!  Enjoy!

"I have a dream...."

to save the sharks. 

of going on vacation.

to help animals.

to save the world.

help the poor.

to save the komodo dragon.

people stop littering.

that no one is homeless.

for people to stay safe.

to take care of plants.

that everyone will not be sad.

to be nice and help.

to take care of my family.

to help people cross the street.

to take care.

that the world has fun.

to love everyone.

Creative Kindergartners!

This week in Physical Education class, Mrs. Mossor started her unit on shoe tying.  Even though this can be a difficult fine motor task, it's important for children to learn to tie their shoes.  Please practice tying at home as well!


    Wednesday, January 27, is picture day. Students may wear an outfit of your choice,          however, they should still wear sneakers (their shoes will not be seen in the picture). Please see the email from Mrs. Richards for more information.

          EC report cards will be sent home the week of February 1, 2021.

Looking ahead: there is no school on Friday, February 12 (faculty in service) or Monday, February 15 (Presidents’ Day).

Gym Days next week: Wednesday, Thursday

Have a great weekend!
Sharon DeBardino

Friday, January 15, 2021

January 11th - 15th


This week the students returned to the classroom ready to work!  We were back to working in large and small groups, reading stories, working on new vocabulary, and using our Montessori Bank Game materials.  This week we focused on learning about Martin Luther King, Jr.  We talked about how he was a hero and made our world a better place.  We created booklets and discussed his "I Have a Dream" speech!  The students used the Montessori Moveable Alphabet to create sentences about what their dream would be for making our world a better place!

As we move into the second half of the kindergarten year, we begin to focus on preparing for First Grade.  The students will be expected to work independently for longer periods of time, will be given more opportunities to write sentences phonetically, and will be asked to become more responsible for their work.  This also includes completing extra homework assignments.  Throughout the second half of the year, we will also begin working on skills such as spelling, simple addition and subtraction, reading aloud to classmates, and public speaking.


Working on our Martin Luther King, Jr. booklets!


Showing different ways to make 9!


Enjoying the sunshine and beautiful weather during recess!


Monday, January 18th - No school (MLK, Jr. Holiday)

Gym Days next week:  Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

Student Photos - January 27th (individual photos only)

Early Childhood report cards will be sent home the week of February 1st.

Looking forward, February is Black History Month, and March is Women's Month.  Please email if you have any ideas.

Have a great weekend,

Sharon DeBardino




March 3rd - 7th

 Last week we read the story, What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada. The story talks about how we can take an idea and turn it into r...