Friday, January 15, 2021

January 11th - 15th


This week the students returned to the classroom ready to work!  We were back to working in large and small groups, reading stories, working on new vocabulary, and using our Montessori Bank Game materials.  This week we focused on learning about Martin Luther King, Jr.  We talked about how he was a hero and made our world a better place.  We created booklets and discussed his "I Have a Dream" speech!  The students used the Montessori Moveable Alphabet to create sentences about what their dream would be for making our world a better place!

As we move into the second half of the kindergarten year, we begin to focus on preparing for First Grade.  The students will be expected to work independently for longer periods of time, will be given more opportunities to write sentences phonetically, and will be asked to become more responsible for their work.  This also includes completing extra homework assignments.  Throughout the second half of the year, we will also begin working on skills such as spelling, simple addition and subtraction, reading aloud to classmates, and public speaking.


Working on our Martin Luther King, Jr. booklets!


Showing different ways to make 9!


Enjoying the sunshine and beautiful weather during recess!


Monday, January 18th - No school (MLK, Jr. Holiday)

Gym Days next week:  Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

Student Photos - January 27th (individual photos only)

Early Childhood report cards will be sent home the week of February 1st.

Looking forward, February is Black History Month, and March is Women's Month.  Please email if you have any ideas.

Have a great weekend,

Sharon DeBardino




March 3rd - 7th

 Last week we read the story, What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada. The story talks about how we can take an idea and turn it into r...