Friday, January 22, 2021

January 18th - 22nd


Using the Montessori Movable Alphabet, the students were given the story starter of, "I have a dream."  Each student thought about what their dream would be to make our world a better place!  With their ideas, I truly believe our world can be a better place!  Enjoy!

"I have a dream...."

to save the sharks. 

of going on vacation.

to help animals.

to save the world.

help the poor.

to save the komodo dragon.

people stop littering.

that no one is homeless.

for people to stay safe.

to take care of plants.

that everyone will not be sad.

to be nice and help.

to take care of my family.

to help people cross the street.

to take care.

that the world has fun.

to love everyone.

Creative Kindergartners!

This week in Physical Education class, Mrs. Mossor started her unit on shoe tying.  Even though this can be a difficult fine motor task, it's important for children to learn to tie their shoes.  Please practice tying at home as well!


    Wednesday, January 27, is picture day. Students may wear an outfit of your choice,          however, they should still wear sneakers (their shoes will not be seen in the picture). Please see the email from Mrs. Richards for more information.

          EC report cards will be sent home the week of February 1, 2021.

Looking ahead: there is no school on Friday, February 12 (faculty in service) or Monday, February 15 (Presidents’ Day).

Gym Days next week: Wednesday, Thursday

Have a great weekend!
Sharon DeBardino

January 13th - 17th

 Happy Birthday, Cornelia Connelly! This week we celebrated our foundress' birthday with a special prayer service, a delicious cupcake t...