I hope everyone enjoyed their time off during spring break! We are relaxed and re-energized and ready to finish out our kindergarten year! We are adjusting back into the routine. This week we introduced the concept of telling time. We are working on telling time to the hour and half hour using an analog clock and comparing it to digital time. Some students are working on counting by five minute intervals on the analog clock. Challenge your children at home by asking them, what time is it?
As we near the end of kindergarten, the students work more independently on work. We are getting ourselves ready for first grade!
Enjoying some fun playground time!
Please remember to return your family leaf that was sent home before the break. We are excited to display these in school!
April is Arab American Heritage Month. If you or someone you know would be willing to share with a class, a division, or multiple groups to enhance our celebration in any way, please email jmyers@holychildacademy.com, and we will make it as easy as possible.
Looking forward, May is Asian and Pacific Islanders Heritage Month. If you have ideas or suggestions for our celebrations for those months, please email jmyers@holychildacademy.com.
Gym Days next week: Tuesday, Friday
Have a great weekend,
Sharon DeBardino