Friday, December 3, 2021

November 29th - December 3rd


Before we left for our Thanksgiving holiday break, the kindergarten students had a blast celebrating with their classmates.  We started our day with watching "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" with our other Early Childhood friends.  Next we went into the cafeteria and had a "Charlie Brown" feast just like they did in the movie!  We celebrated with pretzel sticks, popcorn, bread, and M&M's!  

Next we took part in the Thanksgiving prayer service where we honored faculty and staff at HCA.  Connor A., Giselle and Greyson were able to help make the prayer service special!  

Then we partnered up with a Pre-K friend and made ornaments for the Early Childhood Christmas tree that sits in our hallway.  I hope you enjoyed the Thanksgiving break with your family and friends!


Gym Days next week:  Tuesday, Thursday

The Family Christmas Liturgy will take place on Sunday, December 12 at 1:30 pm. We are asking families to bring an unwrapped toy to donate to Murphy’s Giving Market.

During December we celebrate ALL FAMILIES MONTH at HCA. Students will be meeting with their school families during community time. Please email a family photo to your child's homeroom teacher or send in a family photo with your child by 12/9. Students will take turns introducing their families to their school families.

On Thursday, December 16th, Pre-K, Kindergarten, 3rd and 4th grades will present the Christmas Show Gala for the parents only at 10:00 AM.

Looking ahead - The last day of school before Christmas break is Friday, December 17. It is a half day with dismissal at 12:00 noon and no HCA Plus. Christmas break runs from December 18 through January 3. Classes will resume on Tuesday, January 4, 2022.

Have a great weekend,
Sharon DeBardino

March 3rd - 7th

 Last week we read the story, What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada. The story talks about how we can take an idea and turn it into r...