Friday, February 11, 2022

February 7th - 11th


This week in science we learned about ramps.  We learned that a ramp is an incline plane which things can travel up and down on easier.  The students were placed in three groups and were given various items to test on the ramp.  We placed the ramp at different inclines and tested to see if the item would slide down the ramp.  It was so great to see how the groups worked together and decided who would test each item and the order they would test.  It's so nice to see five and six year old children problem solve on their own and work together as a team! We had so much fun testing each object!  Some items moved super fast on the steep incline!


What makes a good friend?  Just ask the HCA Kindergarten class!  Using our Montessori Movable Alphabet, the students wrote sentences phonetically sharing what they believe makes a good friend!

Some of our students wrote phonetic sentences about animals using the Montessori Movable Alphabet!

Our students are understanding the concept of place value.  Many of our students can add two and three digit numbers together using the Montessori Bank Game!

Things to work on!

As we move throughout the second half of the kindergarten year, it's important for our students to learn how to tie their shoes, or at least have a sense of beginning to tie.  Mrs. Mossor will begin her shoe tying unit towards the end of this month and I encourage the students to work on this at home as well.

Another area for our students to master is knowing their address and a parent phone number.  Have your child learn to identify the street address and city, and either a house or cell phone number.


Gym Days next week:  Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
(Monday is "free dress for Valentine's Day)

Students in Pre-K, Kindergarten, and 7th grade are collecting food and gently used clothing for Murphy’s Giving Market in Upper Darby. All donations will be collected until Wednesday, February 23rd. See the Happenings for more details.

Students will be allowed to wear free dress for Valentine’s Day on Monday 2/14. 

There will be no school on Friday, February 18 (faculty in-service) or Monday, February 21 (Presidents’ Day).

We will be celebrating “Twos-Day” on Tuesday, 2/22. Please refer to Mrs. Barrera’s email for more details. 

Have a great weekend,
Sharon DeBardino

March 3rd - 7th

 Last week we read the story, What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada. The story talks about how we can take an idea and turn it into r...