Friday, February 4, 2022

January 31st - February 4th


This week some students took a break from our reader and read the story, Snow by PD Eastman.  They loved challenging themselves with new vocabulary, listening to the rhyming words, and enjoying a story about snow!

During our unit on measurement, we started out using our uniix cubes.  Next, rulers were introduced and we practiced measuring to the nearest inch!  The students practiced measuring classroom items and even went down to the cafeteria to do some more measuring!  

This week, the students started using different work materials in the classroom.  Many of them are excited to use our 100 Board!  Other materials work on beginning sounds, word recognition, matching letter sounds, and vocabulary.

Things to work on!

As we move throughout the second half of the kindergarten year, it's important for our students to learn how to tie their shoes, or at least have a sense of beginning to tie.  Mrs. Mossor will begin her shoe tying unit towards the end of this month and I encourage the students to work on this at home as well.

Another area for our students to master is knowing their address and a parent phone number.  Have your child learn to identify the street address and city, and either a house or cell phone number.


Gym Days next week:  Tuesday, Wednesday

Students in Pre-K, Kindergarten, and 7th grade are collecting food and gently used clothing for Murphy’s Giving Market in Upper Darby. All donations will be collected until Wednesday, February 23rd. See the Happenings for more details.

Student Council will be selling Candy Grams at lunch.  $1 per gram - cash or check only.  Blank candy gram forms can be accessed here.  Sales end Thursday, 2/10.  Grams will be delivered on Monday, 2/14.  

Students will be allowed to wear free dress for Valentine’s Day on Monday 2/14. 

March 3rd - 7th

 Last week we read the story, What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada. The story talks about how we can take an idea and turn it into r...