Friday, April 22, 2022

April 19th - 22nd


In case you didn't see National Kindergarten Day posted on our Instagram page, check it out here!!!

This week, as we read Charlotte's Web, we focused a lot on friendship.  We talked about how Charlotte and Wilbur have a wonderful friendship.  The kindergarten students wrote and rewrote about their friends in the classroom.  Each student picked a name out of the basket and that was the friend they would write about.  They came up with wonderful things to say about their friends.  After using their phonetic spelling to write sentences, the students completed a final draft of their work.

Here are the final written drafts about kindergarten friendship!

"Lily is a great friend because she plays with me.  My favorite thing about Lily is she likes to play tag."

"Luke is a great friend because he plays soccer.  My favorite thing about Luke is he is good at drawing."

"Justine is a great friend because she makes me laugh.  My favorite thing about Justine is she is silly,"

"Taylor is a great friend because she plays with me everyday.  My favorite thing about Taylor is she draws neatly."

"Alyssa is a great friend because she plays with me sometimes.  My favorite thing about Alyssa is she is kind."

"Darrell is a great friend because he can read well.  My favorite thing about Darrell is he is nice."

"Amor'ah is a great friend because she is a nice person.  My favorite thing about Amor'ah is we like to play with each other."

"McKayla is a great friend because she and me both like to play tag.  My favorite thing about McKayla is the way she laughs."

"Charlie is a great friend because he colors well.  My favorite thing about Charlie is he runs fast."

"Greyson is a great friend because he plays with me.  My favorite thing about Greyson is he is smart but he is kind."

"Zhaniel is a great friend because she loves me.  She is kind to me and respectful to me.  My favorite thing about Zhaniel is she played with me at gym class and it was fun with the hippity-hops."

"Connor F. is a great friend because he makes me giggle.  My favorite thing about Connor F. is he is funny."

"Lexi is a great friend because she is kind.  My favorite thing about Lexi is she makes me laugh."

"Ava is a great friend because we have fun together.  My favorite thing about Ava is we play tag."

"Elle is a great friend because she will play with me.  My favorite thing about Elle is she likes art."

"Abram is a great friend because he helps everyone.  My favorite thing about Abram is he plays with kids."

"Gigi is a great friend because she shares.  My favorite thing about Gigi is she's a Daisy Girl scout." 

"Connor A. is a great friend because he does fun stuff with me.  My favorite thing about Connor A. is that he does play with me and McKayla.  And Connor is fast."


Gym Days next week:  Monday, Thursday

Hope you can join us for the HCA Spring Benefit and Silent Auction on Saturday, April 30. Please see the Happenings for more information.

In preparation for Mother's Day, each student will be able to invite one guest (his/her mother or special friend) to a special May Crowning & Celebration of Mothers Prayer Service on Friday, May 6th at 8:15 AM in the school gym. Find more information in the Happenings. If you are interested in attending this special celebration, please sign up here. We would love it if each child had someone in attendance.

Save the date for our end of year Early Childhood Celebration on Wednesday, May 25! Parents are invited to join us for this special event. More information will follow!

Have a great weekend,
Sharon DeBardino

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