Friday, April 29, 2022

April 25th - 29th


Earth Day and Science Fun!

For Earth Day last week, the students had to find several colors on the field that are in nature!  We found flowers, sticks, grass, and other things in nature.  For science, Mrs. Clay helped us make predictions about colors.  When we mixed two colors together using food coloring and water, what colors do we get?  Our students did a fantastic job with their predictions.

As a part of our Charlotte's Web unit, the students worked in cooperative groups to create a scenery from our story.  We discussed working as a group, sharing ideas, and using our imagination as to what we think the farm looks like.  I was so proud of the students.  They worked beautifully together and the results speak for themselves!  Way to go, Kindergarten!


Gym Days next week:  Monday, Tuesday, Friday
(Friday - students must wear regular uniform for May Crowning)

In preparation for Mother's Day, each student will be able to invite one guest (his/her mother or special friend) to a special May Crowning & Celebration of Mothers Prayer Service on Friday, May 6th at 8:15 AM in the school gym. Find more information in the Happenings. If you are interested in attending this special celebration, please sign up here. We would love it if each child had someone in attendance.

Save the date for our end of year Early Childhood Celebration on Wednesday, May 25! Parents are invited to join us for this special event. More information will follow!

March 3rd - 7th

 Last week we read the story, What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada. The story talks about how we can take an idea and turn it into r...